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Woman faces charges for fatal accident resulting from sneezing

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2012 | Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Car accidents can occur at almost any time, but the reasons for the accident can dramatically affect the charges a driver faces and how insurance companies may respond. This is especially true when a fatal auto accident occurs. The wrongful death of a loved one can leave a family stunned, and survivors should strive to understand their rights under the law.

Our readers in Albany, New York, may be interested in the events that lead to a strange but fatal car accident in another state. The story gained national attention when it was discovered that the woman allegedly at fault in the event had a sneezing fit and lost control of her vehicle.

The vehicle allegedly crossed the center lane, causing a head-on collision that resulted in the death of the 30-year-old single mother driving the second vehicle. Her 1-year-old son is in serious condition at a hospital. A law enforcement officer noted that even though it may not be possible to control sneezing, drivers should still take care to ensure that they are traveling at a safe speed in such circumstances. The driver wasn’t likely driving safely enough to avoid an accident at the time the sneezing struck.

The woman who suffered the sneezing fit was cited by for careless and imprudent driving.

No amount of money can replace a lost loved one. Those who lose family members in an accident in which the victim was not at fault may still seek compensation for final and medical expenses, lost income and other unexpected costs arising from the accident. Understanding how insurance claims and laws affect a wrongful death claim is the first step towards seeking such compensation.

Source: New York Daily News, “Sneezing fit leads to fatal Missouri car accident,” Christine Roberts, Nov. 18, 2012

