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Driving tired could lead to personal injury claims

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2017 | Truck Accident Defense

Trucker driver fatigue has become a concern in recent years as companies rush to provide their customers with their products. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to drivers attempting to make their deadlines by skimping on sleep, which in turn, can lead to personal injury claims. There are some suggestions that might assist New York truckers who find themselves struggling to say alert. 

Tiredness and fatigue are the result of three main components. These factors are physical surroundings such as temperature and the motion of the truck, poor sleep and eating habits, and overall emotional stress or frustrations. The majority of tractor-trailer drivers do have some exposure to these stressors regularly. There are some steps one can take to help alleviate these issues.

One step is to ensure that the sleeping quarters are conducive to good quality sleep such as a stable temperature and a reduction in noise. Also drivers should make sure that cab lighting is appropriate for the conditions. Another suggestions is to make time for exercise and an adequate diet when possible. Other things that may help combat fatigue is to reduce caffeine consumption and avoid substances that may induce sleepiness.

There a few other things that may help, including trying to relax when not driving and finding ways to utilize time management techniques. Combating driver fatigue can go a long way toward eliminating the possibility of having an accident and that will reduce the chances of any personal injury claims. These claims can result in increased insurance costs and claims, which are detrimental to a successful enterprise. If a New York driver finds him or herself facing a claim, there are attorneys available who can provide guidance and information that might be effective in defending against these claims.

Source: amerisafe.com, “Safety Tip: Preventing Truck Driver Fatigue and Accidents“, Accessed on Jan. 19, 2017

