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Insurance defense when accused of unfair policy denials

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2018 | Insurance Defense |

The old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The sales of vitamins, supplements, flu shots and immunizations can attest to the fact that many people adhere to that belief. Still, some in New York are concerned about being able to take certain preventative medicines because of denied insurance coverage. Insurance defense strategies are building in response to these accusations.

An article in the New York Times recently accused several insurance companies of denying coverage to men taking a drug called Truvada. This medication is used by gay men as a way of boosting their defenses against HIV and AIDS. The practice of taking pre-exposure medications is endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Studies show that daily use of drugs like Truvada can reduce the chances of contracting HIV nearly 100 percent, even when having unprotected relations with infected partners.

The New York Times article explained that insurance companies are allegedly denying life insurance, long-term care and disability coverage to men taking Truvada. Because of this, many of these men apparently stop taking the medication, exposing themselves to the deadly virus in order to qualify for insurance coverage. An investigation into potential discrimination based on sexual orientation is now underway.

Discriminatory practices when approving or denying insurance coverage is a serious charge that can carry harsh penalties upon conviction. Whether the media report is true may be the first question for the insurance defense team to investigates. Throughout the process, insurers have the right to seek legal counsel that will work toward the desired outcome.

Source: liveinsurancenews.com, “Insurance denial case involving gay men in New York to be investigated by state“, Julie Campbell, Feb. 19, 2018

