Seeking To Discharge Taxes And Student Loans With Bankruptcy
While many debts can be discharged with bankruptcy, there are certain debts that are difficult or impossible to discharge through a bankruptcy. Certain types of state and federal taxes as well as student loans fall into the category of debts that are generally not dischargeable while some other types of tax obligations can be discharged.
At O'Connor First, we provide a wide range of bankruptcy and debt relief services to help people who are struggling with debt. If you have more debt than you can handle and you wish to speak with an attorney about bankruptcy or bankruptcy alternatives, we can help.
What Are Your Options?
While these debts may not be able to be discharged under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are debt relief services available to people suffering from unmanageable tax debt or student loan debt. For example, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may allow you to pay back other debts over a longer period of time and therefore increase your ability to handle your current tax or student loan debt load.
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy may still be an option, allowing you to reduce or eliminate credit card debts or other unsecured debts, thereby enabling you to focus your debt repayment efforts on tax liabilities and student loans.
How An Attorney Can Help You
Engaging a knowledgeable lawyer can significantly enhance your ability to navigate complex debt relief options. We can review your unique situation and ensure you know what options you have to deal with your debt, from bankruptcy to debt settlement. We can also guide you through choosing the right form of bankruptcy for your needs, whether it’s Chapter 7 for liquidating unsecured debts or Chapter 13 for reorganizing your finances and creating a manageable repayment plan.
To help you secure the bankruptcy you are pursuing, we can assist you with all of the complex paperwork and the maze of legal processes that stand between you and discharging your debts. Our guidance can minimize the chances of major errors in your application, thereby increasing your chances of earning the outcome you deserve. Having an experienced lawyer by your side can provide clarity, reduce stress and increase the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome in your debt relief journey.
Learn More During A Free Consultation
We offer free consultations and case evaluations to discuss your legal needs. At your consultation, you will meet with attorney Michael J. O’Connor. Mr. O’Connor has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America and received numerous awards and recognitions for his contributions to the legal community. Mr. O’Connor is board-certified in consumer and commercial bankruptcy by the American Board of Certification.
Located in Albany, we represent individuals and businesses throughout Upstate New York. To schedule a free consultation with attorney Michael J. O’Connor today, call 877-886-4029.
We are a federally designated debt relief agency proudly helping people file debt reorganization plans and bankruptcy for over 35 years.